

Fukushima - International symposium on interdisciplinary investigations of the post-accidental situation

MITATE Lab members

A hybrid symposium is organised by the CNRS International Research Project MITATE Lab on 21 Sept. to present interdisciplinary research conducted on the Fukushima post-accidental conditions.


Date de début 21/09/2023 09:00
Date de fin 21/09/2023
Organisateur CNRS MITATE Lab
Lieu Espace Françoise Héritier, Humathèque-Condorcet, 10 cours des Humanités 93322 Aubervilliers


As part of the events organised this year for the 50th anniversary of the Centre de Recherche sur le Japon/CRJ (CNRS-EHESS), a hybrid conference in English will be organised on the interdisciplinary and post-accidental research carried out in Fukushima as part of MITATE Lab (https://mitatelab.cnrs.fr/), an interdisciplinary international research project funded by CNRS and its Japanese and French research partners.

The detailed programme and the access information are provided on the following website:

Informations supplémentaires

The conference will take place on Thursday 21 September from 9:00 am to 18:30 pm at the EHESS Condorcet campus in Aubervilliers (and on-line).
Espace Françoise Héritier, Humathèque-Condorcet, 10 cours des Humanités 93322 Aubervilliers

Zoom link (PIN code: Mitate2023):