Bioregions of change: mapping patterns and consequences of environmental change in the Southern Ocean
Matt Pinkerton
Séminaire du LOCEAN-IPSL.
Environmental conditions are changing as a result of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and this is having an effect on ecosystems across the world. This talk will focus on the effects of climate change on the ecosystems of the Southern Ocean: (1) How can we detect changes to the Antarctic marine environment and its ecosystems? (2) To what extent can we anticipate future trajectories of change? (3) What are the opportunities for international management to promote ecosystem resilience, noting that commercial fishing and tourism in the Southern Ocean can act as co-stressors with climate change.
Dr Matt Pinkerton is a Principal Scientist at the New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), based in Wellington. His research brings together satellite remote sensing of the ocean and ecosystem modelling, with an interest in how environmental variability affects the structure and function of marine food-webs with special focus on the role of middle trophic-level species including zooplankton and mesopelagic fishes. He has worked on the ecology and management of the Ross Sea region for nearly 20 years, including at CCAMLR meetings and Southern Ocean bioregionalisation workshops. He was programme leader of the New Zealand Ross Sea Monitoring and Research Programme, a 5-year project to monitor and evaluate the conservation value of the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area.
Matt Pinkerton, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA).
Informations supplémentaires
Couloir 45-55, 4e étage, pièce 417
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