

Upper Ocean Nutrients Budget and Biological Pump Response to the Rapid Sea Ice Retreat

Prof. Jianfang Chen

Séminaire du LOCEAN.


Date de début 15/12/2023 11:00
Date de fin 15/12/2023
Organisateur LOCEAN
Lieu LOCEAN (campus Jussieu), couloir 45-55, 4e étage, pièce 417


Research Progress based on Chinare Cruises in the West Arctic Ocean. Dramatic changes in the Arctic region over the last decades motivated the international community to put unprecedented efforts to document in real time ongoing changes of the Arctic ecosystem.

China has intensifed Arctic oceanographic cruises aboard the Chinese Ice breaker « Xuelong » since the last two decades. Extensive multidisciplinary observation, sampling and process study were undertaken on the impact of ice melting on upper ocean ecosystem during several CHINARE cruises since 2008 in the Arctic Ocean.

In July, August and September 2012 aboard the Xuelong, was performed the first transpolar CHINARE cruise,
and the in 2023 the Xuelong reach the north pole. Among these cruises, French scientists from the Sorbonne University (UPMC) participated to these cruises and collected samples to determine sea ice, phytoplankton and CO2-pH variations.

In this talk, the ship based measurements on board of Ice Breaker Xuelong, and recent research progress on “Upper ocean nutrients budget and biological pump response to the rapid sea ice retreat” will be introduced based on Chinese Arctic Expeditions.

Informations supplémentaires

Sorbonne Université, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie (Jussieu)
Couloir 45-55, 4e étage, pièce 417