Aviation climate impact and mitigation
Bernd Kärcher
Bernd Kärcher est chercheur au DLR travaillant sur les nuages de glace dans la haute troposphère.
The contribution of aviation to climate change is outlined, covering aviation CO2 emissions and non-CO2 effects.
Regarding the latter, aircraft-induced clouds (AIC, man-made ice clouds composed of persistent contrails and contrail cirrus) are responsible for the greatest climate impact.
AIC are therefore discussed in greater detail, including an outline of the fundamental ice crystal formation process.
The seminar discusses options to reduc aviation’s climate impact in the near term.
Informations supplémentaires
En présentiel
LMD-IPSL, École Polytechnique
91128 Palaiseau
Salle Lanceau (ancienne bibliothèque)
À distance
Meeting ID: 960 1498 3260
Passcode: CXA3RX