Accueil > Actualités > Séminaires > Seminaire de Kristof Van Oost au LSCE


Titre : Eroding the carbon cycle
Nom du conférencier : Kristof Van Oost
Son affiliation :
Laboratoire organisateur : LSCE
Date et heure : 20-09-2018 11h00
Lieu : Bibliothèque du LSCE (bat. 12 du campus CNRS à Gif)
Résumé :

Recent attention on the anthropogenic CO2 budget has strongly focused on the apparent imbalance between CO2 atmospheric increase, emission from fossil fuels and changes in land use, and oceanic uptake. The residual terrestrial carbon sink is traditionally estimated from the closure of the anthropogenic CO2 budget. Several processes contribute to this net uptake on land which still has large uncertainties. In particular, traditional  analysis omit that carbon originally fixed by land plants is continuously displaced laterally along the Earth’s surface, from upland soils to streams and rivers and further down to the ocean. Using evidence from both experimental and modeling studies, we show that this perturbation of the C cycle is large and has profound implications for the estimation  of the amount of carbon stored on land. Finally, we discuss the consequences for the pre-industrial as well as for the present and future atmospheric CO2 budget.

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