Accueil > Actualités > Séminaires > Séminaire de Dai Yamazaki au LERMA


Titre : A new, accurate, global hydrography data for remote sensing and modelling of river hydrodynamics
Nom du conférencier : Dai Yamazaki
Son affiliation : Université de Tokyo
Laboratoire organisateur : LERMA2
Date et heure : 29-06-2018 11h00
Lieu : Salle Denisse à l’Observatoire de Paris, 77, Avenue Denfert-Rochereau
Résumé :

A high-resolution hydrography data is an important baseline data for remote sensing and modelling of river hydrodynamics, given the spatial scale of river network is much smaller than that of land hydrology or atmosphere/ocean circulations. For about 10 years, HydroSHEDS, developed based on the SRTM3 DEM, has been the only available global-scale hydrography data. However, the data availability at the time of HydroSHEDS development limited the quality of the represented river networks. Here, we developed a new global hydrography data using latest geodata such as the multi-error-removed elevation data (MERIT DEM), Landsat-based global water body data (GSWO & G3WBM), cloud-sourced open geography database (OpenStreetMap). The new hydrography data covers the entire globe (including boreal regions above 60N), and it represents more detailed structure of the world river network and contains consistent supplementary data layers such as hydrologically adjusted elevations and river channel width. In the AGU meeting, the developing methodology, assessed quality, and potential applications of the new global hydrography data will be introduced.

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