

Climate Modeling in the Age of Machine Learning

Laure Zanna (NYU)

Numerical simulations used for weather and climate predictions solve approximations of the governing laws of fluid motions on a grid.


Date de début 23/06/2021 15:00
Date de fin 23/06/2021
Organisateur LOCEAN
Lieu En ligne


Ultimately, uncertainties in climate predictions originate from the poor or lacking representation of processes, such as ocean turbulence and clouds that are not resolved on the grid of global climate models.

The representation of these unresolved processes has been a bottleneck in improving climate simulations and projections The explosion of climate data and the power of machine learning algorithms are suddenly offering new opportunities: can we deepen our understanding of these unresolved processes and simultaneously improve their representation in climate models to reduce climate projections uncertainty?

In this talk, I will discuss the current state of climate modeling and its future, focusing on the advantages and challenges of using machine learning for climate projections. I will present some of our recent work in which we leverage tools from machine learning and deep learning to learn representations of unresolved ocean processes and improve climate simulations. Our work suggests that machine learning could open the door to discovering new physics from data and enhance climate predictions.

Laure Zanna is a Professor in Mathematics & Atmosphere/Ocean Science at the Courant Institute, New York University. Her research focuses on the role of ocean dynamics in climate change. Prior to NYU, she was a faculty member at the University of Oxford until 2019 and obtained her PhD in 2009 in Climate Dynamics from Harvard University.

She was the recipient of the 2020 Nicholas P. Fofonoff Award from the American Meteorological Society “For exceptional creativity in the development and application of new concepts in ocean and climate dynamics”. She is the lead principal investigator of M²LInES, an international effort supported by Schmidt Futures to improve climate models with scientific machine learning.

More info: https://ai4climate.lip6.fr/2021/06/15/climate-modeling-in-the-age-of-machine-learning-laure-zanna-nyu/


Informations supplémentaires

The seminar will be held remotely, and the discussion will take place on a dedicated slack channel.

Invitation to the slack: https://join.slack.com/t/esm-mljournalclub/shared_invite/zt-rt4a8dxg-XGmx1g_jRATSgh4ubdyjEQ

channel: #ai4climate-seminars