Jim Skea: where are we with climate change? [Exclusive Interview]

Jim Skea, Chair of the IPCC since 26 July 2023, answers the questions of the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace in this exclusive interview.

Have countries put in place sufficiently ambitious policies to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement? Has the golden age of the fight against climate change already passed? How can indigenous knowledge and artificial intelligence be integrated into climate science? Why is the ecological transition struggling to be accepted in former industrialised regions?

At the interface between research, politics and society for 20 years now, the former member of the UK Committee on Climate Change and Professor of Sustainable Energy at Imperial College London assesses the role and future of the IPCC in an increasingly turbulent environmental and geopolitical context.



The interview took place the 4th of July 2024, as part of the seminar organised at ENS Paris on the conclusions of the 6th cycle and the prospects for the 7th cycle of work carried out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


To find out more

  • Listen to the second season of the podcast « Le climat, une question de… » on sport, culture and more with Sara Labrousse, marine ecology researcher at the LOCEAN-IPSL Laboratory and former top-level artistic swimmer, Sébastien Berthe, Belgian professional climber, Valérie Martin, head of the citizen mobilisation and media department at ADEME, Simon Klein, ecologist, theatre enthusiast and scientific mediator at the Office for Climate Education, Pauline Lida, co-founder of the Collectif Minuit 12, Éric Toledano, film director and screenwriter and many others…
  • Find all the episodes of the IPSL News podcast on Spotify and Deezer.

Daniel Peyronel