Third-level education through research

The climate challenges for the coming decades, outlined in the Paris Agreement of 2015, are major and require reinforced fundamental research, more multidisciplinary research on the impacts, and the education of a new generation to act as relays in society to spread understanding of the issues among the population and decision-makers. The education and research aspects are in place in Île-de-France to tackle these colossal issues and to provide effective responses.

The IPSL-Climate graduate school (IPSL-CGS) University Research School aims to provide an education through research that is recognised and attractive at national and international levels, on issues related to the climate system, climate change and their impacts.

EUR which stands for École Universitaire de Recherche (University College for Research) is the name of a state subsidy for ‘investments for the future’, awarded by the National Research Agency (ANR).

IPSL benefits from a grant of 14 million euros spread over 10 years, from 2018 to 2028. The IPSL-Climate Graduate School (IPSL-CGS) project is divided between two components of equal importance - an ‘Education’ component and a ‘Research’ component - which interact closely with each other.

The ‘Education’ Component

The Education component is broken down into 6 actions:

  • Federation of Masters programmes
  • International course
  • Post-master course
  • Support from doctoral schools
  • Updating of learning methods
  • Tutoring and alumni network

The ‘Research’ Component

The ‘Research’ component is broken down into 7 areas or work packages:

  • Observation toolkit
  • Modelling toolkit
  • Understanding abrupt and large-scale climate changes
  • Understanding recent climate variability and its links to human-induced climate change
  • Future climate projections, impacts and timeframe
  • Developing climate services
  • Scientific surveillance of emerging topics and transversal actions


 The IPSL–Climate Graduate School is funded by the ANR (ANR-11-IDEX-0004 - 17-EURE-0006).

IPSL Climate Graduate School