
Soutenance de thèse

Douglas Keller


Impact of the spatial and temporal variability of the Mistral on dense water formation in the Mediterranean Sea

Date 21/10/2022 14:00
Diplôme Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris)
Lieu Observatoire SIRTA (à coté de l'École polytechnique) Bd des Maréchaux 91120 Palaiseau


Deep convection is the process where surface water is cooled to the point it becomes dense enough that it sinks to the seafloor. In the Gulf of Lion, the dense water it produces helps the general circulation of the Mediterranean Sea. In this region, the cooling is mainly caused by the Mistral winds and seasonal change of the atmosphere. This thesis explores the individual and relative cooling provided by these two sources, finding that both sources contribute to the cooling, with the seasonal change providing more than the Mistral. However, in the future neither are able to overcome the predicted changes to the gulf due to climate change, and deep convection is believed to stop altogether. Due to this, part of the thesis looks at methanol producing islands; devices that could help mitigate climate change and energy availability, especially in the Mediterranean.

Informations supplémentaires

The thesis defence will be held in English at the SIRTA Observatory (Near Ecole Polytechnique, Bd des Maréchaux, 91120 Palaiseau)
Online meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82134843437

Meeting ID: 821 3484 3437

Composition du jury

Director : Philippe DROBINSKI

Co-director : Romain PENNEL

Président : Riwal PLOUGONVEN

Rapporteur : Marine HERRMANN

Rapporteur : Bodo AHRENS

Examinatrice : Sophie BASTIN

Examinatrice : Cindy LEBEAUPIN BROSSIER