

Sr and Ca isotopic variability in the Bay of Bengal and the Godavari River, India

Pr. Ramananda Chakrabarti

Dr. Ramananda Chakrabarti, from IISc India, is visiting LOCEAN-IPSL the next two weeks.


Date de début 24/05/2022 11:00
Date de fin 24/05/2022
Lieu UFR TEB SU & zoom


In the first part of this talk, I will present Ca and Sr isotopic data for depth-bound samples from the Bay of Bengal. In the second part of this talk I’ll present seasonal variability in the geochemical and isotopic compositions of the basalt-draining portion of the Godavari River in peninsular India which drains into the Bay of Bengal. The results have implications for submarine groundwater discharge, carbonate precipitation, and silicate weathering.

Informations supplémentaires

Sur place
Salle de Conférence UFR TEB 46-56 2e étage, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie – Sorbonne Université

Via Zoom
ID de réunion : 944 9832 9182
Code secret : jqB1qS