Terrestrial ecosystems play an important role in global biogeochemical cycles, notably the carbon and nitrogen cycles. Tightly associated, these biogeochemical cycles are strongly altered by agricultural practices and the ongoing climate change. Understanding the role of these biogeochemical cycles and their interactions are essential for answering key questions concerning the future trajectories of anthropogenic and natural ecosystems.
The theme “Land biogeochemistry, ecosystems and resources” (BIOTECA) aims to study the impact of anthropic activities on the C and N biogeochemical cycles in terrestrial ecosystems (anthropogenic and natural ecosystems). BIOTECA therefore covers researches focusing on the C and N biogeochemical processes expressing at various spatial scales (molecular, watershed and global scales) and temporal scales (from the beginning of the industrial age until the next decades). In such a view, BIOTECA will promote actions aiming to bridge the spatial and temporal gaps between micro- to macroscales and past and future trajectories.
The aim of the BIOTECA theme is to foster researches on terrestrial biogeochemical cycles, terrestrial ecosystems and agriculture, to promote networking and collaborative actions on these topics within IPSL, and to develop dedicated activities for students.
Moderators of the theme
Nicolas Vuichard • LSCE-IPSL • 01 69 08 42 26
Frédéric Delarue • METIS-IPSL