Marque IPSL

Claudia Stubenrauch, GEWEX Ambassador

This 26th of July, the GEWEX scientific board honored Claudia Stubenrauch with the title of GEWEX Ambassador for her contribution to the coordination and synthesis of our knowledge and data on the interactions between clouds and radiation. Along with Micheal Ek from the National Center for Atmospheric Research, they are the first to receive this title from the GEWEX community.

Through 30 years of efforts, GEWEX (Global Energy and Water Exchanges) has substantially contributed to the development of our understanding of the water and energy cycles of the Earth system (See Stephens et al. 2022).

The scientific board of the GEWEX community has decided to honor their colleagues who have made this international program possible with a very new distinction:  the title of GEWEX Ambassadors. Claudia Stubenrauch from the LAboratoire de Métérologie Dynamique (LMD-IPSL) and Micheal Ek from the National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) are then the two first Ambassadors of the GEWEX project.

To honor colleagues who have contributed a significant amount of their time and energy to GEWEX and who can continue to promote GEWEX in the broadest sense; e.g., encourage
other colleagues to be part of the GEWEX community, keep funders and stakeholders abreast of the latest developments when opportunity arises and represent the GEWEX community at selected events.



Pour en savoir plus

Discover the GEWEX project

Understanding the effect of clouds on climate with Claudia Stubenrauch
