Ice, a witness of the past that tells us a lot about the future
DEEPICE stories – Insights into ice & climate • 15 educational videos
Did you know that ancient ice can reveal how the climate evolved in the past? But also help us to predict the future climate?
Discover the series of videos “DEEPICE stories – Insights into ice & climate” created in collaboration with the 15 doctoral students from the European DEEPICE research project.
What is an ice core? Why and how are ice cores drilled in Antarctica? How are they studied? What can they tell us about past climate? How can they be useful for the future?
Dive into the science of ice cores in these 15 3-minute educational capsules, in which young DEEPICE researchers answer all these questions.
Designed as an educational resource for everyone, the series is aimed at secondary school pupils and their teachers, as well as the general public.
Watch the series on the DEEPICE YouTube channel. Subtitles in French, Spanish, Italian and English are available.
European DEEPICE project
Videos: « DEEPICE stories – Insights into ice & climate »
- Écriture : Doctorant.e.s DEEPICE
- Coordination : Marie Kazeroni (LSCE-CNRS)
- Direction : Dorothée Adam-Mazard (Inuaprod) & Marie Kazeroni (LSCE-CNRS)
- Montage et édition : Thomas d’Aram
- Motion Design : Pauline Fuchs
- Co-production: DEEPICE & Inuaprod
Cette série a reçu un financement du programme de recherche et d’innovation Horizon 2020 de l’Union européenne dans le cadre de la convention de subvention Marie Sklodowska-Curie n° 955750.