The diurnal variability of wet-bulb temperatures and its implications for human health
Joy Monteiro (IISER Pune, India)
Séminaire du LGM à l’ENS par Joy Monteiro (IISER Pune, India).
We study the diurnal cycle of dry and wet-bulb temperatures in South Asia and documents its characteristics at seasonal and daily timescales as well as during heatwave events. Using column integrated budgets, we propose an explanation for this variability.
Using a combination of dry and wet-bulb temperatures and physiological experiments, we show how this diurnal variation has implications for public health, and how our approach can complement conventional epidemiological studies to improve our response to extreme heat.
Informations supplémentaires
Vendredi 15 septembre – 14h
ENS – Salle Claude Froidevaux – E314 • 24, rue Lhomond 75005