

Developments in paleoenvironmental studies. Part 3: Technical advances and new approaches

Jules Blais

Jules Blais, professeur à l’université d’Ottawa, donne un cycle de 3 séminaires les 13, 20 et 24 mai 2022. Ce cycle est organisé par le METIS-IPSL.


Date de début 24/05/2022 12:00
Date de fin 24/05/2022
Organisateur METIS-IPSL
Lieu Hybride


Le troisième et dernier séminaire s’intitule : Developments in paleoenvironmental studies. Part 3: Technical advances and new approaches

Résumé :

Paleoenvironmental studies of natural archives like sediment and peat provide a unique glimpse of how environments have changed long before comprehensive monitoring data were collected. A major focus in paleoenvironmental studies has been to use the fossilized remains of algae and other aquatic and terrestrial bioindicators to track ecosystem responses to changing environmental conditions. Here I will elaborate on a series of emerging techniques that are proving themselves useful to further resolve the environmental impacts of major environmental perturbations. I will highlight examples of how new indicators in lake sediments and other archives are used to show how ecosystems were altered by climate shifts, migrating tree lines, and human occupation in some remote Arctic environments. These biomarkers include sediment ancient DNA that can track bioenrichment from a range of aquatic and terrestrial sources including humans. New untargeted biomarker discovery methods  can be used to identify novel biomarkers for paleoenvironmental studies and I will apply these methods to identify new markers that can help track the migration of tree line to examine the effects of long-term changes to the landscape.  These long-term perspectives are needed in environmental studies, especially to resolve questions related to ecosystem stability, natural variability, and natural vs anthropogenic drivers of ecosystem change.

Informations supplémentaires

Le séminaire aura lieu en hybride entre la salle Darcy (SU Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, couloir 46-56 3e étage) et via Zoom :

Participer à la réunion Zoom

ID de réunion : 987 1152 7226
Code secret : Si57gy