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Titre : Improving seasonal climate predictions by using advanced mathematical methods.
Nom du conférencier : Youmin Tang
Son affiliation : University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Laboratoire organisateur : LMD
Date et heure : 02-05-2017 10h30
Lieu : UPMC - 4 place Jussieu - 75005 Paris - LMD - T45-55, 3e étage - salle de réunion
Résumé :

The first example is to rely on the basic properties of stochastic theoryto develop an efficient technique for the extraction of climatically relevant singular vectors (CSV) in the presence of weather noise. Emphasis is placed on the applications of the CSV in seasonal climate predictions and to construct optimal ensemble climate predictions. The results indicates that the CSVs can well characterize the optimal error growth of the climate predictions and lead to better ensemble predictions than traditional time lag (TLE) method. The second example is about our recent progress in the state estimate of state-space models with applications of Bayesian-based algorithms. A simplified algorithm of Sigma-point Kalman filter isdeveloped to deal with the state estimation of high-dimensional systems like atmospheric and oceanic general circulation models.

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