Accueil > Actualités > Séminaires > Séminaire de Pascal Maugis eu LSCE


Titre : Impacts of climate change over metropolitan France during the XXIst century
Nom du conférencier : Pascal Maugis
Son affiliation : LSCE
Laboratoire organisateur : LSCE
Date et heure : 14-02-2019 11h00
Lieu : Orme des mersisiers, salle 1129 du bâtiment 714
Résumé :

Global warming will induce large and various impacts on French climate during this century. Some physical effects are already statistically significant like warming and heat waves, sea level rise, precipitation alteration and have visible effects on the environment like vegetation shift, agricultural vulnerability, river low-flow, glaciers melting... I will present the current observed impacts as well as forecast possible ones related to water resources and usages, health and the environment.

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