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Titre : Changes in ocean water masses reveal excess heat in the climate system
Nom du conférencier : Jan Zika
Son affiliation : University of New South Wales, Australia
Laboratoire organisateur : LOCEAN
Date et heure : 24-10-2019 11h00
Lieu : Campus Pierre et Marie Curie - 4 place Jussieu - Paris 5 - LATMOS, couloir 45-46, 4ème étage, pièce 411
Résumé :

Accounting for 93% of the excess heat in the earth system, ocean warming is central to understanding climate change. The recent Argo observing program has revealed regional patterns of warming and cooling up to ten times the global average. So the regional distribution of excess heat is being obscured by large and compensating regional patterns of change. Regional ocean heat content changes occur either through the addition of excess heat at the ocean surface or through redistribution within the ocean of existing water masses. Here we present a novel diagnosis of the ‘excess’ and
‘redistributed’ contributions to regional heat content change between 2006 and 2017 based on water mass theory. A planetary scale southward redistribution of up to 0.1PW explains broad heat content changes in the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic.  Meanwhile 0.4±0.08PW of excess heat is concentrating in tropical and subtropical regions with the largest reservoir in the North Atlantic.

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