Accueil > Actualités > Séminaires > Séminaire de Eric Hamonou au LOCEAN


Titre : Looking for a permanent position? Create it!
Nom du conférencier : Eric Hamonou
Son affiliation : Science Partners
Laboratoire organisateur : IPSL
Date et heure : 05-12-2017 11h00
Lieu : Campus de Jussieu, salle de réunion LOCEAN, tour 45/55, 4eme étage
Résumé :

Like most of you we are looking for solutions to make science in a sustainable way. Some of us are permanent researchers in charge of coordinating research projects wiling to keep key short term contracts collaborators up to the end of their projects and beyond. Some of us are short term contract collaborators struggling to keep working within their professional network using their skills. We all face the same problem: lack of permanent positions and development of an out of control turnover in our labs.  Turnover is costly, it impairs the efficiency of research, put key knowledge at risk and put short term collaborators in a precarious situation. We believe that there are enough skills, there is enough knowledge and even money to make science a long term opportunity for most of its collaborators. We believe that what we lack the most is the power to create this opportunity, the power to create permanent positions. SCIENCE PARTNERS is tailored to increase the ability of research collaborators to create opportunities and decide for their future. It is a social innovation, a brand new type of organization, part of the social economy, democratic and open to anyone. If you share any of our ideas and ambitions let’s meet and discuss what SCIENCE PARTNERS is about and how you can contribute or use this new common tool.

Let us meet and make research an opportunity for all of its collaborators.

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